Friday, December 5, 2008

Pain Killer And Brazillian Wax

NOTES ON TRACK lie down 'of the current month (SUSPENDED TRANSMISSION):




Format: CD


Distribution: AUDIOGLOBE

Code: GOD031

Contact / Promo Info:

really common - David Bonato

Cell 348.23.50.324 -

1 Intro
2 Long way home
3 Listen to the rock
4 Out the rain cries

5 We got a problem

6 Goodbye angel

7 Sweet Lady

8 Let me be your man
9 Dancing with the monster
10 We are boozers - 4.02

11 Lonely man

12 Are you ready

13 Too late

AA.VV. - Compilation Vol.1 (2003)

Play at High Level (Go Down Records - 2004)
Walking The Boogie (Go Down Records -2006)

Small Jackets/Zamarro – 7” (Go Down Records -2007)




Go Down Records è fiera di presentarvi “CHEAP TEQUILA”, terzo e nuovo album degli Small Jackets , nati nel 2000 dall’incontro del batterista Danny Savanas with singer guitarist Lu Silver . After 3 years recording debut with "Play At High Level", supported by a perpetual tour where cross on stage with The Hellacopters Swedish champions. In 2006 out " Walking The Boogie", the band's second album, dominated by the movement towards a harder sound, which projects them on the international scene rock n roll. In this disc is the song "Forever Night" where Robert and Nick Royale of Hellacopters affect singers and guitarists guitar solos thereby sealing the mutual respect between the two bands. The incessant attività live della band li porta ad esibirsi come “open act” al concerto dei White Flag , dove incontrano Chips K (chitarrista ufficiale della band e produttore discografico) che li nota, concordando con la band la produzione di “Cheap Tequila”. Si apre così un nuovo capitolo per gli Small Jackets che li porta nella nuova terra promessa del rock n roll: la Svezia . “Cheap Tequila” è stato registrato nei mitici MUSIC A MATIC studio di Goteborg , prodotto da Chips K (Sator) ed Henryk Lipp, stessa coppia di produttori/ingegneri del suono che hanno creato il sound degli THE HELLACOPTERS, Sator, Millencolin and The Nomads where Chips is also present in many recordings as a composer of songs. The two producers for the first time you are put into play with an Italian band, making an album that is an epitome of rock n roll, hard, boogie, funk from the explosive mixture, a sound very close to their live action but enhanced by Hammond, piano, saxophone and harmonica, creating colorful and interesting nuances shaping their attitude retro 'sound with a more' modern.

Among the other guests in the record, there is the presence of the singer of Silvertide (American band that does not need too many presentations!) Lafty admirer of Walt Small Jackets, who wrote and sang the song "We Got A Problem" creating an atmosphere close to the first and most 'inspired by Soundgarden and Alice in Chains!

An album in which infected blood flowing from AC / DC, Humble Pie, Grand Funk Railroad (of which showed the cover of "Are You Ready"), Ted Nugent, Motorhead, Ramones, ZZ TOP, old rock hard southern style n roll attitude contaminated protopunk, Detroit grafted hard to Rollinstoniani riff!

There will be several singles from the album, the first will be provided " Listen To The Rock " which is in its musical structure and message of the lyrics an incentive to listen to music, having fun and letting go with it! BoogiehardRock 'n' roll!!

bell'impianto Listen in stereo speakers thrown in the toilet of your computer (!), the only way you can truly appreciate the album, but more 'in general, the rock n roll!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Best Long Lasting Bathtub


Daniela Petrelli
A great radio! And the program on Thursday night is really interesting! We hope to expand as much as you deserve!
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Anonymous said ...

mah! I lie down the track like a mess of this month so that I even bought the CD, which is really very very nice. so maybe there was more music!

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Live from Barcelona in Spain from cinue years and here are the things you do you follow seriously! Viva lie down and the radio is truly free!
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Romina -
You are GREAT! Finally, the web radio
ke do what with the "play list" of the commercial networks do not do shit for thirty years! Finally I hear music chosen by the artists and sponsors! Keep it up!
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Letizia - h.22
Subject: Kubrick (in reference to the track from the film Eyes Wide Shut)
Eyes Wide Shut: Who's afraid of sex or too conditioned by hypocritical bigotry drew an obscene film, if we to getting rid of fake morality, we may recognize the art.

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Mauro I read Art Director
Guys this hour and a half fly away!
Here we have continued to parlare di contaminazione per ore!!!
Bella radio Imago, nn la conoscevo da questo profilo.
Pamela Rubble (ascoltatrice da Second Life ) – h.22.45
Vi ascolto sempre, Radio Imago è la mia Radio, con la erre maiuscola.
SDRA è davvero un bel programma.
La nostra natura è capucinista* e io trovo che la vera contaminazione sia lasciarsi allontanare dalla propria natura. Siamo liberi, voliamo con le nostre ali.Complimenti!
* nasturtiums think it's a way of being on Second Life (ed.)
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Letizia - h.22.46
Subject: Mom looked very miserable
thrilling Allegri's Miserere! Thank
magic moment ... no radio "modern" it would.
You're great, congratulations!
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Angela Latrofa -
Subject: A compliment Deck Chairs? (Always in reference to Miserere)
I have tears in my eyes ... feel the music vibrate in this body and soul.
Congratulations on the program and the music choice.
Good job, continue to delight us with pieces "lie down" like this one, do not be afraid to dare.
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30/10/08 - THE THEATRE
Letizia wrote: Well
Aquarius Hair qual miglior inizio.
(in riferimento al confronto fra teatro e cinema)
Il cinema permette ritocchi ripetizioni di scene, in teatro sei tu e il pubblico… buona la prima non hai una seconda chance. Grande il film sulla marcia dei pinguini…
SdraScoltatore .
Se è sempre così vi metto tra i "Preferiti"
Pamela Rubble (made in Second Life)
After the trace of the "March of the Penguins" ... what to say?
Great Radio Imago and congratulations for your transmission from the Deck Chairs salamela Pam
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11/06/2008 - WORDS - FAHRENEITH 451 (second part)
Letizia -
Subject: words on the rivers
What a beautiful picture, a number of rivers on a river forever in history, cradle of civilization.
hands "gloves" hanging on the Liffey in Dublin or the vitality of the Seine. It is sweet to me
flounder in these waters.
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Letizia - Subject: ART
CONTINUE TO WIN NOT give it to them, SHOW CHJE LIVE AND TRY AGAIN, WHY CONTINUE 'Do not mow the cleaver Ignorance The last glimmer of Culture, continue because' AND 'THE FLAME OF LIFE, AND' THE JOY OF THE SOUL, DO NOT TURN TO DREAMS.
DURING THE BOMBING OF THE BOYS IN THE LEE SARAJEVO still resisted listen to music and reading books. BEAUTIFUL
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Pamela Rubble -
faithful listeners, this! Eye that you check, do the good. You're great! ?
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Trinity new entry.
just that I really enjoyed without getting bored!

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Anonymous said ...

I thought it was more serious than a web that ultimately turns out to be. There seems more than likely that the winner of the song lie down ...... this month is a bit "Scarsetto" comparing it with others?
I sincerely believe that should be a small filter to participate.

29 novembre 2008 13.28

Blogger NikRedian ha detto...

Questa sessione non dipende esclusivamente dai nostri gusti, più o meno condivisibili, ma è l'occasione per chi si propone di coinvolgere chi lo apprezza! L'unico "filtro" (e qui siamo decisi ad applicarlo) corrisponde ai criteri imposti per proporsi e ad una valutazione del livello tecnico. Va da se che un brano improponibile non va nemmeno nel sondaggio!! E sono tanti quelli che nemmeno inseriamo nelle proposte generali! Tuttavia ci proponiamo di elevare sempre più il livello proposals and surveys, but this also depends on you, if you believe in a very proposal you have the opportunity to vote every time you connect and engage others in supporting it. In any case we are happy if you leave a more detailed assessment that included as discussion.

December 1, 2008 21:52

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gay Pick Up Spots Maryland

lie down'!

us to do is lie down! ...
When we are faced with something that makes us say: "I have no words ..." then talking for hours.
When we understood the deeper meaning of things, yet different if not opposite. As soon as someone
can without getting caught in the traps of the system.
If we fall in love with one blow!

We are to go lie down! ...
When the weak redeems or is redeemed.
When children are loved and respected.
When we talk about quality and not quantity.
When you share without imposing limits.
When there is a commitment beyond expectations.
When you're with friends and you to be done to create new ideas.
When a woman intimidates us for who she is and not as it is.
When we can not stop listening.
When we go home after what felt like doing.
When in disagreement, we can not define the false ideas of others.
When we find the passion in what you do.

And much more ....
... but above all lie down! one that brings with it faith, care and quality and is not meant to please everyone!

Nik Sdrajante