Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ichs Comuunity Service Letter

The latest work ....

my window ...

Hello all dear girls, spend the holidays, eating too much as usual, to be disposed of pounds that are added to those not disposed of ... but who cares, we console with the arrival of the next Monday, the day when we start our diet ... The problem is deciding which Monday!
Good thing is our passion that consoles us, for me, sewing, and for you? What is the crafts that you can not wait to do ?....
These are my latest efforts: Bring tea and herbal teas, and recipes paired portacaramelle ...

I lined a notebook with hardcover striped and embroidered the message ...

portacaramelle This I saw in a magazine two years ago and then I was particularly impressed but the other day while I gave a look even if I wanted to do with changes ...

The tea cups I've seen in several blogs, but in the form of purses, I decided to make it bigger bowl to put my tea and my tea, I love that!

I love teas of all kinds ...

Then I also did these houses ..

;             con gli ucellini...
                                                      Piccoline e in diversi colori, tutti ritagli e avanzi di tessuto...
                                          Facilissime e veloci da fare.... belle da regalare!!!!
Un abbraccio a tutte voi e un meraviglioso anno amiche gloggherine, un 2011 pieno di gioia e tanta creatività per tutte noi!!!! Un anno che ci porti amore, lavoro, serenità, salute e tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno!!!!


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