Saturday, March 27, 2010

Used Fishing Boats For Sale

right on the edge ... As always

And with this recipe participate in this contest: The recipe was courtesy of a lovely old lady, not mine unfortunately ... but let us ... A few ingredients, I tried to replicate it a million times but without success ... the secret was the oven, do not plan to grill the eggplant and then not to turn on the oven, the hob is not working!

Cream Eggplant burn S / T riestina
  • Ingredients 1 Eggplant elongated Grossiniere
  • 1 Onion
  • a tiny bit of garlic 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Sale
  • A pleasure Thyme, Marjoram, Oregano fresh

Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise and place in oven (200 ° x 30 minutes) with the skin resting on the pan. Remove from oven and let cool. Make an incision in the skin and remove it gently with your hands. Blend the onion with olive oil and salt to make a creamy sauce. Add the eggplant in a blender cut into chunks, garlic, and if you want the flavors. Let it stand for an hour in the fridge (you need to lose the strong flavor of onion). Garnish with sun-dried tomatoes (or grilled peppers) and serve with croutons, raw or smoked tofu (it goes well).

ok It will not be the best for your social life but it's worth a close this evening at home to wonder!
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kates Playground Feet Size

Pensierino per Laura

A Gift for Laura ...
Lovingly Cri

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Epsom Salts Folliculitis

Guess where I've been ?!?!?!

For this reason I was still a long way ... always too far away from the kitchen ... and then start again soon now that the light to fade out late ... I can take pictures even at night! See you soon

Saturday, March 20, 2010

If Twins Implantationbleeding Is More

beautiful Award from Laura:
LAURA IVONNE CREACIONES  meravigliosa e strepitosa grande amica .Grazie Laura!
Grazie per la tua stupenda amicizia  ,sapete Laura mi sta coccolando con tutti questi premi ed io ne sono trooooppo felice e spero di meritarli .Grazie ancora Laura, e mi raccomando visitate il suo blog é splendido come lei !
Mi farebbe tanto piacere poter passare il premio alle amiche che passeranno di qui ,ritiratelo pure e per voi...
Grazie un bacione Cri

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ti-84 Plus Calculator Pokemon

In less than a month is Easter ...

Already ... yes,
begin to think what to cook and why not buy ... Today I leave you with a link ... I would also like to write something about it but not today ... too little time ... always too short! I'll be back soon with a new recipe!

Click on photo for full details ...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ge Food Processor 106622

Presina e schema

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dinnerware Sets Brampton

Uno tra i miei centri preferiti il centro farfalle semplice ma bello.

Date Of Discovery Method Of Extraction Metal

Un nuovo centro scelto e approvato dal mio angelorso

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tired All The Time Peeing A Lot

Torta Mimosa Pale Mimosa Yellow

Lately I really like to try recipes a bit 'more elaborate and I thought a cake would be the best thing to celebrate the birthday of my father and also the International Women's Day ... I think this just had never tried ... However, this is my recipe, with some minor modifications inspired by this

Mimosa Pale Cake Ingredients For the sponge cake

  • 200 ml Cream Of Oats
  • 150 g potato starch
  • 175 g flour 00 g 25
  • Maizena
  • 150 g Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 / 2 teaspoon bicarbonate
  • Water
  • 1 Lemon (Zest)
Ingredients For Cream
  • 60 g Cous Cous Integral
  • 450 ml water
  • Vanilla Sugar
  • 1 Lemon (Zest)
  • Whipped Cream Veg
Ingredients For The Wet
  • 1 / 2 cup water 2 tablespoons
  • contreau
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
cream Preparation:
Place all ingredients in a saucepan and cook for half an ' Oretta about. Remove from heat and blend if you want you can add turmeric to give a little 'color cream. Allow to cool and mix again. Put aside and allow to cool. Whip the cream and place in refrigerator to harden.
For the sponge:
In a bowl combine the cream and sugar, mix well. Add the sifted corn flour and mix well to remove all lumps. Combine starch, flour, baking powder and baking soda (sifted all together) and the lemon zest and mix. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from pan.
For the syrup:
Heat all ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Composition: Mix half the cream with the custard. With a nylon line to cut the sponge to remove the hard top that will be tough. Disp orre the first disc on a serving platter, brush with the syrup, cover with the cream and then with the cream. Add another drive, brush and proceed again with cream and cream, ending with the last album and the cream. Deriving from the cubes of sponge cake and distribute advanced above and all around to create the effect mimosa. Place in refrigerator to harden for an hour. Serve!

This is what I created with the leftovers;) Print Recipe

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dune Buggies Street Legal Texas

Bread Dough Without

Ok che io non fossi una grande panificatrice lo sapevamo tutti... però sto decisamente migliorando da quando, soprattutto, ho smesso di accanirmi contro la pasta madre non integrale... Piccolo promemoria personale: la pasta madre fatta solo con la farina integrale NON viene. Ora che ho smesso di sperarci sto utilizzando con successo il lievito naturale (o pasta madre) portato da Rimini, ovviamente qualche piccolo melt down... (citazione :P) può sempre succedere... stavolta l'ho recuperato però... dopo le lunghissime 16 ore di lievitazione a 30/40° il mio bellissimo impasto era diventato uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumidissssssssssssssssssssssimo, ho aggiunto ancora un po' di farina e via scaravoltato boiling in the pot ... Well ... the whole aesthetically ... it was really painful because I just cut it has cooled to make the photos here and here, and then I was too anxious to participate in this nice initiative to give up ... La cucina a colori - Raccolta di ricette di cucina short and I did well ... no sir I shot further back at nothing ... This recipe was inspired by this

Without Bread Dough Ingredients Yellow Mimosa

  • 60 g sourdough just refreshed
  • 300 g flour 00
  • 200 g corn flour foil type
  • 250 g Water
  • 1 teaspoon salt Preparation

Dissolve the dough in water and add the flour with salt. Mix quickly and put the dough to rise in a warm 30/40 ° for 16 hours. At the end if it seems wet soggy or worse (as happened to me) add a little 'more quickly knead flour. Return to rise for another 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 230 ° in a pot and its lid. Scaravoltare the batter into the pan, cover and cook for 40 minutes. After overthrowing the bread on the pan and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
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Monday, March 1, 2010

Pokemon Platinum For Gpsphone

Mioddio that week ... too many things to do and little, little time ... ZERO cooked and only I know how much I have missed the stove ... Conditions: The "lucky" (I do not want dad) my dad is injured and can not have fun with his usual vegan lunches on Sunday ... Mamma unfortunately (but not) is severely restricted in the kitchen ... so it's best to be taken to a safe distance (at least 2 meters) from the rings: P. With the fact that he (the magnificent man of the house above) can not move I had to invent a nice take away ... Fortunately, only ever for me, despite a chilly yet sunny day is being tentatively ushering in the clouds ... then for a Sunday family What's better than a nice pan of lasagna?? Lasagna with meat sauce style seitan grandmother. It is because my grandmother among the many qualities that he was an excellent cook ... would never have dreamed of using the seitan in the sauce ... gliel'avessi probably even if only I'd caught quite a proposed "mavadaviailc ..." ops is not said in a blog ... but she was pleasantly irreverent as much as these my lasagne ...

Granny Style Vegan Lasagna
Ingredients For the sauce seitan
  • 200 g Seitan
  • 1 carota
  • 1 gambo di sedano
  • 1/2 cipolla
  • 1 lattina di pelati
  • Sale
  • Olio Evo
  • 1/2 bicchiere di vino rosso
Per la besciamella vegan
  • 1 cucchiaio di Burro di soia (oppure Olio di mais)
  • 1 cucchiaio di farina
  • 2 tazze di latte di soia
  • Noce moscata
In più
  • Lasagne Vegan (io ho usato quelle di farro)
  • Lievito Alimentare
  • Pinoli tritati
  • Mandorle tritate
  • Sale

Preparation Prepare the sauce in a little oil fry carrot, celery, onion, chopped. Add the seitan, cut into small cubes and salt. Stir, sprinkle with red wine and let evaporate. Add the tomatoes, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for one hour (grandmother cooked the sauce for a whole day). Meanwhile prepare the sauce, melt the butter in a saucepan with the flour, stirring, pour the milk and cook over low heat until they form a paste. Season with salt and nutmeg. Boil pasta in salted water for about 1 minute and set to drain on a clean cloth. Grease a baking sheet, pour a layer of meat sauce, a sheet of pasta, bechamel sauce, puff pastry, and béchamel sauce until exhaustion. Finish with sauce, white sauce and sprinkle with nutritional yeast, chopped almonds or pine nuts, salt, pepper, garlic powder and bread crumbs if you like. Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Serve hot ... and if there's ?!?!? Do not worry tomorrow will be even better ... SE forward ... ;)

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