Thursday, October 28, 2010

Answers Hardy Weinberg Problems

are not cute? ... Absolutely

Dear girls, waiting to show you my Christmas chores, I show you these goodies that I found on the web, I hope will be useful to some of you, even if only as a starting point! !

Carini and easy! Come on, all the work!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[ver Fotos De Naturismo]

to share ... TILDA

Dear ragazzuole I found these beautiful patterns on a Brazilian blog that I leave available!
's not too soon I say? NO! Some jobs are prepared on time!
Look how beautiful this Santa!

And dire di questa renna... dolcissima!!

Per le principianti... mi sembrano facili e carini...

Io mi metto subito al lavoro, e voi?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kidney Stone Stuck In Uretha Penis

GARLAND STYLE ... is the only thing that I could upload, uffa Blogger the new editor slows me down! AND YOU? Some little things

Ho fatto questa bellissima ghirlanda stile Tilda che volevo fare da tempo... mi piace il risultato, pensare che non mi piacevano le Tilda, anche se non le amo particolarmente These little children are very sweet ...

Their message is LOVE ... Hand held in hand and are happy ...

She ruffled his hair but it is beautiful ...

He is very nice, is not it? Carino also Cappelini! ...

you soon dear girls, hoping that the new blogger works better editor, it took me two hours to make this post, Ugh, you ever?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Who Makes Good Rugby Shirts

created for my shop!

Dear girls, I want to thank you all for your good wishes and good luck for my shop, you're really very nice. I know that many of us dream of having your own corner, but I assure you that today is not easy to have your own business, you must have a lot of courage, creativity and patience ... We hope to have all these qualities ... I am in so I put it all!! (AS WE ALL IN EVERYTHING 'DO THE REST) \u200b\u200b
This is the right window of my shop, what I show is created around a set with felt, albums, frames lined with cloth bag and cream (excuse the pun;) and purple felt flowers ...

And then I made some slates, always felt, very funny, idea that I found in a magazine even though I changed a little ...

A with the gourds and the other with the sunflowers, I used this I had available ...

There are some other things that you would like to show, so ... see you soon and good luck to all!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Needlework For Junior Certificate

WITH SOME 'LATE ... The mystery is revealed ... The walls are ... Saturday, October 2

; GREEN!! In fact
are 3 shades of green, then won the first 3 who said "green" and they are: Angela
the blog "My Passions", the girls of "The ideas in the drawer" and Mary "The mania of Makeni. Girls
you tell me if you like a product or material for creative sewing, for decoupage or jewelry, the choice is yours!
I apologize for the delay but these days we are working hard to finish will set up, you never stop!
Soon you'll see more photos of my little corner!