Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dune Buggies Street Legal Texas

Bread Dough Without

Ok che io non fossi una grande panificatrice lo sapevamo tutti... però sto decisamente migliorando da quando, soprattutto, ho smesso di accanirmi contro la pasta madre non integrale... Piccolo promemoria personale: la pasta madre fatta solo con la farina integrale NON viene. Ora che ho smesso di sperarci sto utilizzando con successo il lievito naturale (o pasta madre) portato da Rimini, ovviamente qualche piccolo melt down... (citazione :P) può sempre succedere... stavolta l'ho recuperato però... dopo le lunghissime 16 ore di lievitazione a 30/40° il mio bellissimo impasto era diventato uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumidissssssssssssssssssssssimo, ho aggiunto ancora un po' di farina e via scaravoltato boiling in the pot ... Well ... the whole aesthetically ... it was really painful because I just cut it has cooled to make the photos here and here, and then I was too anxious to participate in this nice initiative to give up ... La cucina a colori - Raccolta di ricette di cucina short and I did well ... no sir I shot further back at nothing ... This recipe was inspired by this

Without Bread Dough Ingredients Yellow Mimosa

  • 60 g sourdough just refreshed
  • 300 g flour 00
  • 200 g corn flour foil type
  • 250 g Water
  • 1 teaspoon salt Preparation

Dissolve the dough in water and add the flour with salt. Mix quickly and put the dough to rise in a warm 30/40 ° for 16 hours. At the end if it seems wet soggy or worse (as happened to me) add a little 'more quickly knead flour. Return to rise for another 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 230 ° in a pot and its lid. Scaravoltare the batter into the pan, cover and cook for 40 minutes. After overthrowing the bread on the pan and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
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