Monday, February 22, 2010

How To Prevent Cysts On Legs

Style Lasagna Grandma Who is the goddess of happy hour ?!?!?

Someone once told me "you're the goddess of the aperitif") that will go crazy for the finger food, for all that you can nibble while chatting, for everything that is as much as possible Informal ... and that we can extend in time ... But though Lent has begun ... I'm not particularly a believer, but rather respect those who choose to follow the dictates of religion ligiamente (as long as does not affect the freedoms of others and does not cause suffering - see the halal slaughter coop but do not open this topic.) In short, are always looking for light snacks, fat free, but so delicious born Jerusalem artichoke chips, and pumpkin seeds were residues this recipe ... not that time eh;)

roasted pumpkin seeds

Salt Flavored Pumpkin Seeds

Preparation Rinse the seeds and sprinkle with salt chosen and / or other spice powder (I used garlic powder, salt, rosemary, sage). mix well so that they are all well coated with spices. Toast over medium heat in a heavy-bottomed pan. They are ready when they start to brown.

Jerusalem artichokes Ingredients Dried

Jerusalem artichokes

Preparation Rinse well well well for the Jerusalem artichokes and slice with a mandolin, flavor and put them in being until they are well curled and crisp (I took about 16 hours) or in a ventilated oven at 60 ° with a wooden spoon to keep the oven door slightly open.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Old Do You Have To Work At A Auto

Taralli Evo Oil and Rosemary

I have never said how much I love the rosemary? No, maybe not ... but you also understand well ... Instead hate fennel seeds in taralli ... Why are good, crisp, nice and vegan ... because they "ruin" with that strong take taste strong? Instead, the rosemary is great with all the carbohydrates, legumes, pumpkin, potatoes ... So I did set them. I do not have the dose, just refreshed sourdough (or flour and water), extra virgin olive oil, salt and taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanto rosemary ... these are made with "sourdough" in full. Without the dough are formed biscioline then cut about 3 cm, rolled around the finger to create the typical form. Boil them in salted boiling water with a drop of oil and as soon as they emerge is dry on a towel. Then in the oven at 180 ° or 200 ° static ventilated until they are dry and golden. If you "ammosciano" put them back in the oven for about ten minutes.
Variation: instead of water (if you use the flour as the original recipe will) use the white wine.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Benzonatate With Nyquil

Orange and Chocolate Mousse with rum and cinnamon

I'm not a fan of celebrity chefs, not because they are snobs, Simplify the perchè è raro trovare tra le genialate di questi cuochi meravigliosi delle ricette vegan. Non è il caso, stavolta di Hervè This, che con la sua "Chocolat Chantilly" mi ha proprio incuriosito... non sono proprio una sprovveduta in cucina e tra i miei vari esperimenti avevo già creato qualcosa di simile ma senza tutti questi calcoli... eppure come dicono tutti gli chef famosi LA PASTICCERIA E' PRECISIONE, MATEMATICA, non esisiste approssimazione, altra cosa che mi ha incuriosito... calcoli precisi, sì ma di una semplicità imbarazzante, solo due ingredienti in originale: acqua e cioccolato... e poi è una meravigliosa occasione per partecipare al mio primo contest :)

Water Orange Mousse and Chocolate rum and cinnamon
  • Dark Chocolate Orange juice
  • Rhum
  • Cinnamon
calcorare grams of the liquid as follows: grams of liquid (juice rum +) =-fat chocolate * 100/34. Melt
iere dark chocolate in a nonstick saucepan over very low heat often. Stir to facilitate the merger. When the chocolate completely melted add the juice and rum (a teaspoon is enough to flavor 80 g of chocolate) in one go. Mix well to fire off up to the chocolate is well emulsified. Pour into a bowl cooled externally with ice, fitted with electric mixer. Pour into a bowl and serve with a pinch of cinnamon.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Naseptin And Nose Bleeds


The difficult thing is the preparation of sushi rice ... believe it or not ... God is also just ... rice vinegar makes it aromatic, and at the same time fresh and light ... a piece of umeboshi is something wonderful ... try it ... then gradually you learn to roll the seaweed and if you are wrong ... There are a series of infallible remedies (I'd put it here too much rice and not shut down the roll;) I added another piece of nori seaweed and I ended well for the roll, then you should have very sharp knife cut and soaked fresh water ... you use a wooden spatula to spread the rice should be wet to algae or the rice sticks to the spatula and seaweed ... you are now ready to begin preparing the sushi ... vegan of course:) and if you want to do something special ... perhaps s. Valentino ... brought to the table, the seaweed, rice, and all the ingredients of your choice along with the bamboo mat and let everyone prepare their Hosomaki, Uramaki (a bit 'more difficult to prepare the table because the alga must remain in the roll and rice on the outside, it takes the plastic wrap) or Nigiri .

rice for sushi
  • 80 g rice for sushi (or original)
  • salt water
  • vinegar sushi rice (or rice vinegar, sugar and mirin)
Siacquare several times the rice in cold water. Cover with water and let stand for one hour. Discard the soaking water, transfer to a saucepan covered with water (the level should be about one finger above the rice), bring to a boil then reduce heat and cook about 15 minutes (this ALWAYS the cover). Turn off the heat and allow to finish cooking the rice in its steam. Meanwhile, prepare the rice vinegar and sugar (if you use the ready). Transfer the rice into a bowl, season with a tablespoon of vinegar for sushi and stir with a wooden spoon to cool.
The rice is ready! Now you can pick the imagination (I usato spinacini e carote) ovviamente il tutto accompagnato da wasabi e gari (zenzero sott'aceto)... qui non si vede ma ci vuole obbligatoriamente della salsa di soia nella quale sciogliere il wasabi per poi intingere i rotolini... Ricordatevi che in giappone il sushi si può mangiare con le mani (vietatissimo invece l'uso delle forchette)!

Stampa La Ricetta

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sister In Law Jealous

and Valentine's Day ????? Biscuits ... still My photos on

Ancora biscotti per S. Valentino... non so ma sembra che i biscotti siano quelli più ricercati per S. Valentino... La cannella è un afrodisiaco naturale, soprattutto per gli uomini... fate voi :D

Cuori Rosa Alla Cannella Per S. Valentino (che fall in love)

  • Ingredients 100 g flour 00
  • 10 g Oil 40 g (around) oat milk (or rice, or soy)
  • 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar (or another sweetener) * Red Dye

  • Cinnamon (to taste) Preparation

Mix flour with sugar, cinnamon, a pinch of salt and oil, add the cold milk with food coloring and mix quickly. Roll out the dough and bake at 160 ° making sure that does not darken. Cool on a wire rack. *

the dye I used is of course only an aesthetic qui trovate qualche dettaglio in più per evitarvi spiacevoli sorprese durante la cena ;) potete usare anche della barbabietola frullata sostituendola a parte del latte, non abbiate paura il sapore non si sentirà.
Stampa La Ricetta

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mariner Outboard Serinal Look-up

tastespotting ...

Si lo so... sono poche in confronto a molte di voi foodblogger ma vista la mia passione per le foto mi va di condividerlo... qui ci sono quelle che mi hanno pubblicato... a voi il giudizio... :D

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rainbow Swingsets Pulled From Stores 2010

bread to fit ...


Eh si sono stata all'ikea, a dire il vero ci sono stata un some 'time ago and among the thousands of crap that I bought was this cartoon, full of rye flour and seeds ... joins the water directly in the package, it Shake vigorously and pour ... then in the oven for an hour or so e. .. to zero or near-concussion you get a nice full Pano is a good weight ... the RÅGBRÖD Finax: Ready for rye bread. The nice thing is that it is indeed beautiful too good!

recipes but I do not see the result, if you want to try just know that I recommend it:)

and after ...

HERE AND another recipe "to mount" to tell the truth This is made from scratch, just stolen from the packaging: P Great success!!