Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does Ringworm Look Like On Babies

"C" ... houses, hearts, cold ... Small jobs

Girls care this January was cold, cold in every sense, what can I say, the snow is beautiful but in the mountains, when you go skiing, but in the city ... work: ZERO .. then we bring you the flu season ... but, never mind ...

That's why I have more time to devote to my house and walk around in your virtual ... I see many nice little things that I pack, but how good you are?!

I show you some little things just made by me: Homes and hearts ...

Red hearts to celebrate love in all its forms ....

Hanging to tell the world that love is fundamental for us! ...

is what makes us beautiful
gentle and understanding ...

but also strong and passionate ...

makes us courage ... such as roses, beautiful, soft, scented, but have thorns ... when you need it, you never know ....

Here are the houses that I love so much to do, I showed in my other blog ... This "small group of houses will give you the" Welcome "

Another version, three different houses, higher ... what do you think?

So, a big kiss to all and the next succession of odd jobs!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Congrats For A New Mother

Clinians - Purifying Cleansing Milk with Mallow extract From:
Purifying Cleansing Milk is able to gently cleanse and remove impurities and any kind of trick. Thanks mallow extract, notes, softening, moisturizing and valuable active ingredients, has a marked effect softening the skin soft and silky.
Ideal for all skin types.

Review of Use:
I bought this cleanser Clinians taking advantage of the fact that Donna Moderna gave him a gift with the magazine, just € 2.20 all inclusive. Although I use to remove make-up satisfaction with the biophase of 3 and a half years, I thought a little change for once I would have done so bad.

In recent times, not just a few years ago - I have been using this brand of cleansing the eyes, finding them very well. The cleansing milk is a white creamy sauce with a good smell of clean. On the back of the pack say they remove it after use with a damp sponge or cloth with a floppy, but I prefer to wash it all away with warm water. After make-up eyes with my usual methods, then remove the impurities on your face with this cleanser. I take a small dose, massage all over your face, then rinse thoroughly per evitare di lasciare residui di prodotto. Un pò di tonico ed il gioco è fatto.

L'inci contiene olio di mandorle dolci già nelle prime posizioni. Immagino che le ragazze predisposte all'acne possano risentirne, sebbene si tratti di un prodotto a risciacquo (se non vi accontentate di asportarlo semplicemente con un dischetto di cotone, come invece loro consigliano di fare) , dunque non destinato a restare a lungo sulla pelle. Chiaramente non è ecobio, ma sul mio viso ultra-sensibile risulta delicato e non irritante.
Non so a quale azione purificante si riferisca il nome del prodotto, io non ho riscontrato effetti particolari. Dopo giorni di utilizzo continuato trovo che sia un semplice latte detergente come ce ne sono tanti in commercio, nè troppo sgrassante nè troppo blando. A volte, se indosso anche il fondotinta, devo fare due passate prima di arrivare ad una pelle perfettamente pulita. In caso contrario, trovo residui di sporco sull'asciugamano, chiaro segno del fatto che  il latte detergente Clinians non ha fatto pienamente il suo dovere e che ho ancora trucco sul viso!

Un aspetto positivo è che, dopo l'operazione di strucco, la pelle resta morbida, senza l'untuosità di alcuni prodotti troppo grassi e senza quel terribile effetto arido di altri eccessivamente aggressivi.

Il packaging è semplice ma carino e funzionale: consiste in un flacone bianco con tappo azzurro con etichette esplicative sia sul fronte che sul retro. Il prodotto fuoriesce solo strizzandolo leggermente sul centro. Ciò dovrebbe anche garantire una certa tranquillità qualora lo si porti in viaggio.

Non lo riacquisterò perchè per lo strucco prediligo gli oli vegetali, però non è un cattivo prodotto e per di più è economico e reperibilissimo in qualunque supermercato.

DOVE BUY IT: at the supermarket
NUMBER ': my is 150 ml. I think the market is in the 200 ml bottle
PAO: 12 months
PRICE: guess around 6 €.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Btu Calculator Mini Split

delicious (second part)

Here's the little things I love to do, things I do just for fun ...
casual jobs but pretty fast, at least for me ...
These little things I love so much, but useful decorating ... shears like these ...

I've also made several Christmas and liked them very much to my clients ...

are just cute, but I have seen so many really nice blog ...
would I do another one hundred (and again I have three sewing pincushion, ready to be Riepe)
and, yes, amo cucire!!!

Alla prossima!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthday Invitation With Live Band

The Question Last week

Eleventh race with the question of the week. The last time we talked about cosmetics ecobiological. Some of you are not groped leaves, others have known recently, trying to avoid choosing someone else.

The question this week comes to facial creams. I'd like to know quali usate, se in inverno e in estate seguite routine differenti, se avete trovato quella giusta o se siete ancora alla ricerca.
Ringrazio fin  da ora quante vorranno partecipare.

Avete trovato la crema viso che fa per voi
o siete in via di sperimentazione?
Cosa state usando in questo momento?
Sapete interpretare i segnali inviati
dalla vostra pelle o vi sentite un pò
allo sbaraglio?

How To Change Heads On Tripod

Never again ... we can not, we will not forget ....

Poche nostra memoria... per non dimenticare...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bad Toothache Worse In Night

Purchasing: Fitocose, Eva Garden by Paolo Guatelli

Quelli che ho fotografato sono acquisti fatti nelle scorse settimane. I due prodotti Fitocose sono il frutto di un ordine in comune con un'amica, partito l'8 dicembre 2010. Stavolta per arrivare ha impiegato circa 30 giorni, o forse qualcosa in più. Il pacco è giunto a casa sua la seconda settimana di gennaio, quindi, qualora avesse deciso di acquistare qualche prodotto Fitocose da regalare a Natale...sarebbe rimasta a bocca asciutta. Probabilmente l'azienda ha avuto un gran daffare in questo periodo di feste, oppure avevano chiuso per ferie e non lo sapevamo. In ogni caso, un minimo di celerità in più sarebbe apprezzata in futuro.
Cosa ho preso?

  • La crema Antiodorante Neutra  . Questo è il terzo tubetto che acquisto in un anno e credo abbiano cambiato leggermente la formula perchè stavolta è molto più spumosa, ha perso la sua pastosità ed è anche più semplice e veloce da applicare. Ottima come sempre, davvero efficace.
  • La Crema contorno occhi alla Rosa Rubiginosa  . Di questa vi farò un'accurata recensione. Avevo provato un campioncino e ho deciso di acquistarla perchè mi piace molto.
Altro acquisto da segnalare è il blush in mousse di Eva Garden by Paolo Guatelli . I'm testing from about 15 days so I will soon be ready for review derragliata. I've bought in a beauty center that exposes the entire line of cosmetics from this brand little known but high-quality professional. I always wear my beautician and I was amazed that he never need touch-ups during the day to blush and the color was always nice bright, switched on, though natural to look at. This mousse blush is present in 4 shades, but I'm just fascinated by the number 22, which soon will show along with the pros and cons that I'm experiencing with the use.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spaghetti Marzetti Cole Slaw

lots of snow = casual jobs Sundries

Si ragazze, ieri da noi, a Laciano in provincia di Chieti ha nevicato tantissimo, più di dieci ore ininterrottamente, guardate:
This is what I see from my balcony, the park under the house ... sugestivo, no? In fact, yesterday afternoon I could not open the store so everyone at home!
The result? Here, Nifty jobs with what I had available, not because the laboratory is in my shop, but I had some little things ...

two rings I wanted to do for some time, cute and practical puntspilli ...

Small but useful ... Then .....

I have also transformed these small baskets in pincushion ... (I have a passion for pin cushion, you see?)

salmon striped ...

green with roses ...

I wanted them for a long time ... rest due to snow and chores!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gay Muscular Men Wearing Jacket

I'm a week away: That's what I bring! The Question of the Week

Tomorrow I leave and I'll be away for a week. After two years of work without a day off finally removed a little plug. Although in reality simply pass from one reality to another job ... because I'm going to help my boy with his work.

But let us. Just at this moment I am preparing the case and, of course, the cosmetic result. Here's what I put in my vanity case so far "battle" that I bought two years ago to the market, the modest sum of € 2 and that despite this premise, it has proved really excellent. Functional, cute, spacious and durable. As I filled it?

  • mineral foundation
  • Fog Fixative
  • Primer eyes
  • favorite Blush Powder mat
  • concealer for dark circles
  • Mascara
  • Pencil Duo Black and brown eyes blue pencil
  • Eye-liner
  • 2 lipsticks, a red and a pink

  • few brush for the eyes
  • My favorite kabuki
  • Mac Eyeshadow Palette

This is what I decided to take with me. As with any start I will leave everything at home, but I'll do my best to make me do the bare minimum.
greet all my readers, though probably still be able to be present on this blog and in your. A hug, a good weekend.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Biology Lab 6 Molecular Biology

Hi girls! I want to present this wonderful initiative of the sweet Lillybets, I find it very nice and I joined with pleasure ...

you read the post that I found on his blog ma andatela a trovare e vedrete che dolcezza e sensibilità troverete....
Io ci stò!!!!!!!

Questo è il link: NEL BOSCO DI LILYBETS
  The little Thanks's book
penso da qualche giorno ad un'iniziativa che leghi tante di noi, da ogni parte del mondo per dire semplicemente "grazie" a ciò che di bello la vita personalmente ci ha donato. When we lack something that is important to us thinking focuses only on his absence, and so we end up neglecting the rest. In "Little Book of Thank You" I wrote the first page, my .... but there are so many blank pages waiting for an author . The good, they say, attracts other good. The rules of this initiative are as follows:
  • each participant will write on a page "Thank you because ..." for everything that is dear;
  • indicate the same page as its name and its location with the shiny pink ink pen that will set the little book;
  • infine lo spedirà ad un'altra ragazza insieme ad una sorpresa piccola piccola che potrà creare o comprare.
Le pagine del "Piccolo libro del Grazie" sono numerate (69).Una volta che finiremo di scriverle tutte avremo creato qualcosa di unico e speciale!.Poi potremo scambiarcelo nuovamente per dargli una lettura completa, che ne dite?.

E poi questo orsetto è un amore....

Images Of A Mens Brazilian Wax

Hello. Quickly take advantage of this discourse to post again thank the many girls that I have assigned the Sunshine Award. A special thanks to each of you who wanted to reward this blog and the effort they put every day in every single contribution. Many thanks to all!

That said, I'd start with the tenth round of the section that deals with questions to the readers. Remember that anyone can send their questions to be published in writing to me at this rubbrica or in the comments of this post.

This time I'd like to know your opinion about the eco-bio cosmetics. When you have known, how you live, what relationship you have with the incidence of the products you buy, if you are opposed to all forms of synthetic substance, or if you have a freer approach.

What are your relations with the eco-bio cosmetics?
hate, love or indifference?
You are attentive to the ingredients of cosmetic products
you buy or do not mind you?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ichs Comuunity Service Letter

The latest work ....

my window ...

Hello all dear girls, spend the holidays, eating too much as usual, to be disposed of pounds that are added to those not disposed of ... but who cares, we console with the arrival of the next Monday, the day when we start our diet ... The problem is deciding which Monday!
Good thing is our passion that consoles us, for me, sewing, and for you? What is the crafts that you can not wait to do ?....
These are my latest efforts: Bring tea and herbal teas, and recipes paired portacaramelle ...

I lined a notebook with hardcover striped and embroidered the message ...

portacaramelle This I saw in a magazine two years ago and then I was particularly impressed but the other day while I gave a look even if I wanted to do with changes ...

The tea cups I've seen in several blogs, but in the form of purses, I decided to make it bigger bowl to put my tea and my tea, I love that!

I love teas of all kinds ...

Then I also did these houses ..

;             con gli ucellini...
                                                      Piccoline e in diversi colori, tutti ritagli e avanzi di tessuto...
                                          Facilissime e veloci da fare.... belle da regalare!!!!
Un abbraccio a tutte voi e un meraviglioso anno amiche gloggherine, un 2011 pieno di gioia e tanta creatività per tutte noi!!!! Un anno che ci porti amore, lavoro, serenità, salute e tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno!!!!