Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spaghetti Marzetti Cole Slaw

lots of snow = casual jobs Sundries

Si ragazze, ieri da noi, a Laciano in provincia di Chieti ha nevicato tantissimo, piĆ¹ di dieci ore ininterrottamente, guardate:
This is what I see from my balcony, the park under the house ... sugestivo, no? In fact, yesterday afternoon I could not open the store so everyone at home!
The result? Here, Nifty jobs with what I had available, not because the laboratory is in my shop, but I had some little things ...

two rings I wanted to do for some time, cute and practical puntspilli ...

Small but useful ... Then .....

I have also transformed these small baskets in pincushion ... (I have a passion for pin cushion, you see?)

salmon striped ...

green with roses ...

I wanted them for a long time ... rest due to snow and chores!


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