Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rapeseed Allergy Test

A happy sleeping!

sate all girls like?! How are chores, already prepared the Passover?
The fact is that with this cold ... almost there almost from the knitting ... Ugh! In
long awaited the arrival of spring (and maybe even a few degrees more;), I show you what my tiny brain has produced in collaboration with my hands ...
Here's a couple going to bed .... ideal for children, as my little one, never want to go to sleep ...
They are two brothers, Nanny, and Luke who are preparing to go to sleep ...

Nanny has already taken his pillow and made the tails ...

hope it works, I'll try tonight with Gaia already, hopefully good ... what do you think will work ...? Then a
kisses to all, good night and pleasant dreams!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

20something In Orlando

Forsan - The herbal tradition - Castor Oil From:
This oil was pure action sebum balance and strengthening, specifically for the care of hair and eyelashes, to be applied on the hair roots at least an hour before shampooing and every evening, using a soft brush, along the entire length of the lashes.

Review of Use:
The first time I bought castor oil, a few years ago, I was surprised by his thick consistency . More than an oil seemed a syrup for cough, those who begin to hate from childhood. The brand was different, but the features were exactly the same as the Forsan. Whenever you buy a vegetable oil, make sure that it is pure : that was not diluted with any substance, so as to preserve intact the characteristics and properties. In the case of castor oil, one must appear in the hollow voice ricinus communis oil.

The packaging consists of a simple brown glass bottle covered with a white label with green lettering. Outside there is a box in every way similar to that of Forsan other vegetable oils. To facilitate the purchase, packaging, there is also the area of \u200b\u200bcompetence of these oils.
Castor oil has many properties , some of which are not fully exploited. It 's a natural lubricant and someone will surely have heard of it as a powerful laxative. Here we will limit the type of cosmetic applications.

Used hair has reinforcing properties and softening. As much as I do adore oil packs on my hair, I can say that I had never felt comfortable with this specific product. Its viscosity makes it complicated is the application for removal. The results that drawn from them are great, but I'm too lazy and fickle for wanting to deal. For those who wish to try it, I suggest applications still not too often: if the packs are sporadic, the hair will benefit from them. If however they become fixed habit, you may get dry and arid.

The reason why I bought back is to use it on lashes . The last time I washed the brush and apply mascara with her help. Now I use a cotton bud, because the application with the brush of oil filled my eyes: the one with the cotton swab is more practical and equally effective. I use it every night before andare a dormire. Al mattino rimuovo il tutto con l'aiuto del mio  gel detergente all'aloe e azulene di Fitocose .
C'è stato un periodo in cui perdevo una grande quantità di ciglia, ogni sera, con lo strucco. Con l'aiuto di questo olio stanno riacquistando una maggiore forza. Il punto determinante è quello di usarlo per almeno 2-3 mesi costantemente. Se si riesce, anche di più. L'applicazione non richiede particolari sforzi e i vantaggi sono nettamente superiori allo "sbattimento" di doverlo usare ogni sera.

WHERE TO BUY: the supermarket
PLACE OF PRODUCTION: not specified on the package
PAO: 12 months
QUANTITY ': 100 ml
PRICE: € 4.99 .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Eye Redness In Corner Of Eye

March 8 ... commemoration or celebration? I see it .... Two awards

New York, March 8, 1902, an arson attack involving 147 workers, including these Italian women. The women participating in a strike, protesting against the inhuman conditions in which they had to work ....

March 8, the day of commemoration, a day we devote to thought, the memory of all those women who have given their lives for us, for our rights ... In their memory I created this tiny little woman, Margaret ...

March 8, I think of all those women who were precursors of all activities and professions that were considered "For men, think of the first women doctor, the first lawyers, architects, etc ... all those women who have made possible women the vote ...

March 8, I would give the mimosas every woman in the world has to suffer, submissive to his family, disfigured by acid, which because of the traditions have to "suffer" infibulation, abused, prostituted , sold, killed ...

March 8, commemoration or celebration .... I do not know. We have reasons
Today, March 8, 2011 to celebrate?
How do we feel we women in our society today? ... enhanced ?.... respected? ... protected ?.... love ?....

rights for which our heroine who fought were very deep, all up to us to ensure that these rights are still valid and can be expanded and developed in every woman in the world!

March 8, my mimosa I bring to this "Woman" my little Gaia, and my dear mother and my sisters in Argentina ... To my friends Anna, Sabrina and Lilli. My mimosa
the virtual doors to all of you, dear friends, very much!!
nice day!!

Lump In My Throat Pea

Pilogen Carezza - Bio Bio Baby - zinc oxide paste on Giveaway

Dermatologist tested.
* From organic agriculture certified
with shea butter oil, rice, almond oil, Bisabolol, Vitamin E, zinc oxide 15% and organic calendula extract. Its rich formula and its texture creates a thin barrier layer that protects the baby's bottom from contact with the small wet diaper. Ideal also for all other areas of the body red. To be applied on the skin to protect it from irritation. The zinc oxide paste Bio-Bio Baby is a product ECOBIOCOSMESI ICEA CERTIFIED TO N ° IT033BC006.

Review of Use:
The zinc oxide paste of Bio Bio Baby is one of those products may not indispensable, but that when there is not, I miss her.
on newborns can be used to soothe the redness at each change-diaper. And it is one of the products best that can be used for this purpose, considering the 'great incidence, natural . If there are individuals whose skin should be protected, those are your children. What's better than a good meal that contains only substances? You know all our meals in a note on the market for decades, but it contains petrolatum and paraffin. The zinc oxide paste of Bio Bio Baby is the best alternative I know.

on adults, uses may be manifold.
I use this paste as deodorant, even right after I shaved my armpits. Instead of anger, the zinc oxide paste Bio Bio Baby has a strong power lenitivo , che mitiga i rossori e le irritazioni cutanee . L'ossido di zinco è una sostanza presente in molti deodoranti ecobio, tra cui il mio preferito di Fitocose  e sebbene qui ce ne sia in quantità maggiori, io non ho mai avuto problemi. Trattandosi di una sostanza un pò occlusiva, non la consiglio per un utilizzo continuativo, ma devo dire che essendo il deodorante ecobio con il quale mi sia trovata meglio, io l'ho usato anche per dei mesi senza incorrere in gravi problemi. Tuttavia, meglio essere cauti. Quel che faccio io è avere sempre a disposizione 2-3 deodoranti ecobio alla volta, in modo tale da non permettere alla pelle di abituarsi seriamente a nessuno di essi, while keeping its effectiveness. I do not know if this has any empirical scientific justification, the fact is that it works on me.

more we use it is to apply this paste when I clear the redness, also caused the allergic reactions that do not know the cause. A small amount of this paste and the situation improves noticeably. In this regard, I also like how soothing cream after shaving . It does not burn, but the inflammation fades, when there is. I have very sensitive skin and often for me the hair can be a real torture. Have good products to use on the skin after this procedure, it is important if not crucial.

The packaging consists of a white jar with a screw cap, beneath which we find another plastic cap that serves to keep the product longer. On the front and back labels are explanatory. The texture, as the name says, it is smooth and soft as that of a cream, but rather doughy and not too easy to spread. For these reasons not find it suitable for large parts of the body , but for quick application and content.

I really like. There was a period in which no I could find at the supermarket, and I've been looking forward to restocking because I was missing. As I said at the beginning, perhaps it is a staple, but when you learn to use it, then it is difficult to break away because although it is a simple product, it is durable and functional.

WHERE TO BUY: more hypermarkets provided
PAO: 12 months
QUANTITY ': 150 ml
PRICE: € 9.90 .

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Red Marks On Face Capillaries

Tricks Revealed!

I write this post to report on an interesting giveaway Tricks Revealed.
can win the second book of the most likeable and popular Clio Makeup Beauty Blender, as you can see from the photo that I copied (Des forgive me!) Right on the blog.
Why pass up this fantastic opportunity?
I recommend you all participate. The rules are clear and very attractive prizes. This is where you will find the link to the giveaway:

In bocca al lupo!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Usb Ultrapro What Does It Do

very welcome!!

Ciao care ragazze!!!  Ultimamente ho avuto tanto lavoro in negozio e come sapete (lo sapete;) sono da sola quindi...
Ho ricevuto già da tempo due premi che m i fanno molto piacere, da due ragazze fantastiche, voglio invitarvi a visitare questi due blog, fatelo e capirete!!!

Ringrazio di cuore queste ragazze che mi hanno pensata e dedico a voi tutte che mi seguite questi premi!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Organ In Back On Left Side

The Question of the Week Cosmetics

Piove a dirotto, il cielo è lugubre e spento. Mai come con questo tempaccio ho voglia di pensare ai colori. A quelli che indossiamo, a quelli che abbiamo intorno, a quelli che la natura risveglierà tra poco, in primavera. E, visto che siamo in un blog il cui argomento principale sono i cosmetici, perché non parlare dei colori con i quali ogni giorno - o quasi - ci facciamo belle?

Vi ricordo che chiunque abbia voglia di veder published his book on this question, can send one or more applications to offer to readers to my e-mail, or directly between the comments. Will insert specifying the name and author's website.

What are your favorite colors to wear
in your makeup from day?
the morning you have the desire to invent
always something new, or
most often opt for the trick you better?
Best nude tones or those bright?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

People Compatibility With Close Birthdays

Snow - Light Warm Foundation From:
Light Neutral looks like, but slightly warmer. He has peach undertones that make it suitable for light brown in color but lively.

Review of use: Using the foundation
Light Warm Snow Cosmetics almost a year. Not always, not always because I like to try other products, but I can said to have regained at least twice and have done almost a fixed step in my makeup routine. Since the skin tends to dry the foundation powder is not the best for me . I want to clarify my opinion on the matter because whatever is valued only because of my skin type. Despite this, by applying mineral powder under a good cream does not run the actual worsening: I have noticed increased dryness and if there have been periods in which the skin of my face was almost completely flaky, this was due more to cold and dehydration to my internal (in the past few months I'm drinking much less than usual) not to use that foundation. The "factor cream "in cases like mine is crucial: use one rich, consistent, creates a real basis to prevent the mineral powder to dry the skin further.

The packaging consists of a hard plastic jar with lid black lives. Inside is a dispenser that prevents the escape of the indiscriminate dust. The color is a light beige, suitable for skin with yellow undertone. The site also offers the chance to try the mini-set sizes to ensure the most appropriate color before making a purchase target.

We can spread the mineral foundation by choosing a of the following methods:

  • dry = Application consists of taking the powder directly from the stopper with the Kabuki brush . It slams the brush to bring down the excess and distribute the product remaining on the face, using circular movements. Repeat until desired coverage, even if in so doing, we arrive first at a dusty face rather than impeccable. The coverage is light to medium.
  • Wet = consists in wetting the brush with a splash of thermal water / fog fixer / plain water before removing the dust, then proceed as for the dry application. This method is able to obtain consistency is more comfortable on the skin and improved coverage without appearing too dusty.
  • = Application liquid is to mix your moisturizer with mineral dust, producing a creamy texture to be applied by hand, with a foundation brush or sponge with the classic.
personally prefer the application that is wet with a few gestures because I can get a uniform coverage and not too dusty. resistance during the day for me is good. I feel the need of a touch-up after about 6 / 7 hours after application, but not being a slave to "cover all costs, I can also without it. Like most of the foundation on the market, including the Warm Light Snow Cosmetics moved on clothing but less dirty compared to traditional formulations.

For all these reasons, the product is not recommended for those who:
  • have skin problems and need to cover a medium-high;
  • have dry skin and have not yet found a moisturizer suitable;
  • They need a foundation for long-term, non-transferable;
  • They want a product that ensures high performance.

E 'instead recommended to those who:
  • has normal or dry skin but can count on a good cream to counteract the dryness of the mineral dust;
  • has normal skin, combination or oily;
  • has no obvious flaws to hide, does not like to hear
  • products heavy on the face;
  • want to use a foundation with no silicones, parabens, paraffin and petroleum.
I am happy with this foundation, but if I had a way of finding a fluid with an accident just as good, certainly would not hesitate to change it. There are mornings when the redness on my face are strongly accentuated, and the result does not satisfy me fully. Others where it seems to me a perfect little while taking the product. The good is that I feel confident that I use on the skin and I've never had an allergic reaction by using it. The skin of my face is more uniform and homogeneous, but at the same time very natural.

WHERE TO BUY: on the website, e-commerce in the other dealing with the brand in a few scattered herbalists Peninsula
PAO: 12 months
PRICE: € 13.90 .

Monday, February 28, 2011

My Cat Has A Stool Infection

Kiko Kaledoiscopic Look Optical - Impressions and Purchasing

But how cute is the new limited edition collection of Kiko, the Optical Kaledoiscopic Look? This time have conquered me, than in the past I've never found anything that nagged at least a little. But here we see products, very tasty, watch out for.

First I have hit the Water Eyeshadow, with this wave-shaped pattern that is already thinking about the sea. Although I remember the Prisma Shine Illuminanti di Madina  ho apprezzato molto l'idea, una ventata d'aria fresca rispetto ai soliti ombretti mono che tutti i marchi possiedono in catalogo. Ci sono ben 12 colori tra i quali scegliere, davvero uno più bello dell'altro. La scrivenza mi sembra abbastanza buona, seppure ritengo che da bagnati rendano al meglio di sè. Un pò come i Colour Sphere dello stesso marchio, da cui li separa anche il prezzo più alto, oltre alla forma e al packaging.

Poi sono stata davvero felice di notare che finalmente anche Kiko ha pensato di proporre qualche eyeliner in gel, i Cream Waterproof Eyeliner. Avrei voluto acquistarne almeno due, ma andata in negozio ho notato now that were harder than I'd expect them, so I preferred not to take anyone and save money for a gel eyeliner maybe more expensive, but with a better texture. About the eyeliner brushes sold separately, I can say that I do not like anything . Apparently, sealed in their packaging, they have nothing wrong. But trying the tester I noticed it was already deformed, with the hair loose. I guess they have put there at the exit of the collection, then only a few days. If you have already ruined it, I can imagine how little can last intact. Clearly, it is just my guess: I have 2 beautiful angled brush and I do not need another, but chi pensa di prenderlo che faccia attenzione e ci pensi un pò su.

Altro articolo interessante è costituito dai Water Blush. Lo dice il nome stesso, sono dei fard a consistenza liquida. Disponibile in 4 tonalità, ho preferito il "Mandarin Fizz", che però non ho acquistato.

Alle tonalità permanenti, si aggiungono 6 nuovi Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow della Kaledoiscopic Optical Look Collection. Tutte le nuances mi sono sembrate molto brillanti, luminose. Trovo che il più interessante sia però solo uno, il n°25 Light Taupe.

Altro pezzo forte della collezione sono sicuramente i Long Lasting Colour Lip Marker, ovvero le tinte per le labbra. With a pretty box-shaped marker, provide a long duration even if not comfortable. Clearly it is not creamy lipsticks, so those who want to buy property he has in mind is that their main characteristic is to endure, but to moisturize your lips. You can make up for taking some lip balm to reapply, or nourish your lips well before applying the product. The colors available are 8 and the price is less than € 7, then it's worth a try.

In Optical Kaledoiscopic Look there are other products, but since it does not strike me as these, I'd rather not talk about it and return directly to their page dedicated web for further details.

These were my impressions. Now we get to buy that I decided to do.
This time I decided to go cautious. I touched and felt a little of everything, but since the collection will be available in stores and online Kiko for a while, I decided to take only two little things to try to calm ... and then maybe come back in there to get something more.
My choice fell on two eyeshadows Water:

The packages are very accurate, both externally and internally:

We find a cloth dust to cover the single eyeshadow.
The design also allows for quick identification of color:

These are opened packages where you can see the special beauty of form and color.
[Click images to enlarge].

I wanted to leave intact eye shadows for photos, but this morning I could not resist and for the trick I used purple, which goes very well plus the sweater that I wear .

-Swatch Kiko's Water Eyeshadow No. 9, Sparkling Violet:

- Swatch Kiko Water Eyeshadow n° 11, Grey Wood:

Chiedo scusa per la pessima luce ma qui piove e non volevo aspettare ulteriormente per questo post.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Significant Cervical Mucus And Period Late

few words ....

Io sono una mamma, ho tre figli che amo con tutto il mio cuore, sono tutto per me. Noi mamme sappiamo quale tesoro sono per noi i nostri figli.
Poche parole, ho poche parole ora nella mia mente, cosa dire....
Quante domande e poche risposte, tanto dolore, tanto ....
Goodbye little one, this pink and this letter is for you ... Goodbye little Yara ...

Babies Butterflies Sayings

The Question of the Week

Quindicesimo appuntamento con la Domanda della Settimana. Mi pare incredibile che siano passati quasi 4 mesi dall'inizio di questa rubrica, e invece eccoci qua, a raccontarci ancora qualcosa riguardo questo bellissimo mondo che interessa ognuna di noi.

Stavolta vorrei parlare di blush. Personalmente lo uso da quasi un anno, non di più. Prima ancora lo trovavo un complemento inutile, un vezzo del quale potevo fare anche a meno. Poi mi sono appassionata, ho finalmente capito che sulla mia pelle spesso spenta un pò di colore sugli zigomi aiuta.
Mi piacerebbe ora sapere che rapporto avete voi con questo cosmetico. Quanti ne possedete, se usate un solo colore per ogni trucco, oppure se lo cambiate a seconda di quel che mettete sugli occhi. Quali texture preferite: in polvere, in crema, in mousse...ora ce ne sono davvero di tutti i tipi.

Il blush: un cosmetico fondamentale o
totalmente superfluo?
Lo usate sempre nei vostri trucchi?
Quali sono i colori e le texture
che più rispondono alle vostre esigenze?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yes to Cucumbers - Color Care Shampoo

It's true, gorgeous color treated hair needs a little extra coaxing. So, Yes To Cucumbers Daily Makeover Shampoo is there for you, cleansing, That extra hydrating and adding brilliant shine to your new shade ... and Most importantly Protecting That hard-earned color! How? With Centaurea Extract, a Powerful Ingredient That Protects color-treated hair. Why? Because you're color is cool - as cool as a cucumber!

• 99.6% Natural
• Petroleum, SLS and Paraben Free

Review Use: Start
this review stating that this is shampoo for treated hair, but mine are natural . I do not use dyes, not mistreat them. Despite this, due to a crash diet dating back a few years ago, my hair has been for a long period of time very frail, thin, brittle, almost lifeless. I've also lost many, and only thanks to medication and pampering that I dedicate, I can say I have recovered quite well. The least I can do is to choose gentle shampoo that will not spoil it further. For this reason, my choice is always up for hair products fragile, delicate, thin, or, as in this case, treated. My hair does not need formula revives-color (and is not the case di questo shampoo, comunque) ma di qualcosa che risulti il meno invasivo possibile dalla cute alle lunghezze.

La linea Yes To Cucumbers è dedicata alle pelli sensibili. In questo scenario, rientra anche il Color Care Shampoo che ho acquistato io. Il flacone contiene 500 ml di prodotto, un liquido di media densità di colore verde. La prima cosa che ho pensato, annusandolo, è che il suo odore è identico a quello del profumo "Amarige" di Givenchy . Una profumazione intensa e molto gradevole, che però scompare quasi del tutto dopo aver fatto l'ultimo risciacquo. Il packaging consiste in un flacone dalla forma cilindrica dotato di due tappi. Quello interno si avvale di una simple lever to push to release the product. The outer shell is functionally unnecessary but gives greater strength to the packaging.

Without going into further say immediately that I adore this shampoo . The dilute as usual with my spargishampoo, and since it produces plenty of foam use more water than usual to ensure that it is possible on the most delicate skin. Spargishampoo insert in 80 ml of water and less than 10 ml of Yes to Cucumbers Color Care Shampoo. I make one pass, as always, vigorously massaging the skin to help blood circulation.

The end result is hair soft, untangled, light touch . And, a feature that has impressed me, on me also has a volumizing effect.

I want to say a few words on the list incidence. For the first places there are two surface-to yellow ball that explain the foaming. A heavy dose of perfume. Many herbal substances probably useless. Who needs such as broccoli or spinach leaves in a shampoo? probably only make the scene. In any case, the formula is clean, free of silicones, parabens and petroleum. There are vegetable oils, aloe vera and cucumber extract the course, which gives its name to the line. It contains vitamin C and A and should help strengthen the hair.

Ultimately, it will buy for sure. I like that in a large format, so I could last even longer. Moreover, at a cost not excessive. The only drawback is that it's available only at Sephora, so it can not be readily available for those who have one of those perfume shops in the area.

WHERE SI ACQUISTA:  nelle profumerie Sephora
PAO:  12 mesi
QUANTITA':  500 ml
PREZZO:  9,90 €.