Monday, February 28, 2011

My Cat Has A Stool Infection

Kiko Kaledoiscopic Look Optical - Impressions and Purchasing

But how cute is the new limited edition collection of Kiko, the Optical Kaledoiscopic Look? This time have conquered me, than in the past I've never found anything that nagged at least a little. But here we see products, very tasty, watch out for.

First I have hit the Water Eyeshadow, with this wave-shaped pattern that is already thinking about the sea. Although I remember the Prisma Shine Illuminanti di Madina  ho apprezzato molto l'idea, una ventata d'aria fresca rispetto ai soliti ombretti mono che tutti i marchi possiedono in catalogo. Ci sono ben 12 colori tra i quali scegliere, davvero uno più bello dell'altro. La scrivenza mi sembra abbastanza buona, seppure ritengo che da bagnati rendano al meglio di sè. Un pò come i Colour Sphere dello stesso marchio, da cui li separa anche il prezzo più alto, oltre alla forma e al packaging.

Poi sono stata davvero felice di notare che finalmente anche Kiko ha pensato di proporre qualche eyeliner in gel, i Cream Waterproof Eyeliner. Avrei voluto acquistarne almeno due, ma andata in negozio ho notato now that were harder than I'd expect them, so I preferred not to take anyone and save money for a gel eyeliner maybe more expensive, but with a better texture. About the eyeliner brushes sold separately, I can say that I do not like anything . Apparently, sealed in their packaging, they have nothing wrong. But trying the tester I noticed it was already deformed, with the hair loose. I guess they have put there at the exit of the collection, then only a few days. If you have already ruined it, I can imagine how little can last intact. Clearly, it is just my guess: I have 2 beautiful angled brush and I do not need another, but chi pensa di prenderlo che faccia attenzione e ci pensi un pò su.

Altro articolo interessante è costituito dai Water Blush. Lo dice il nome stesso, sono dei fard a consistenza liquida. Disponibile in 4 tonalità, ho preferito il "Mandarin Fizz", che però non ho acquistato.

Alle tonalità permanenti, si aggiungono 6 nuovi Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow della Kaledoiscopic Optical Look Collection. Tutte le nuances mi sono sembrate molto brillanti, luminose. Trovo che il più interessante sia però solo uno, il n°25 Light Taupe.

Altro pezzo forte della collezione sono sicuramente i Long Lasting Colour Lip Marker, ovvero le tinte per le labbra. With a pretty box-shaped marker, provide a long duration even if not comfortable. Clearly it is not creamy lipsticks, so those who want to buy property he has in mind is that their main characteristic is to endure, but to moisturize your lips. You can make up for taking some lip balm to reapply, or nourish your lips well before applying the product. The colors available are 8 and the price is less than € 7, then it's worth a try.

In Optical Kaledoiscopic Look there are other products, but since it does not strike me as these, I'd rather not talk about it and return directly to their page dedicated web for further details.

These were my impressions. Now we get to buy that I decided to do.
This time I decided to go cautious. I touched and felt a little of everything, but since the collection will be available in stores and online Kiko for a while, I decided to take only two little things to try to calm ... and then maybe come back in there to get something more.
My choice fell on two eyeshadows Water:

The packages are very accurate, both externally and internally:

We find a cloth dust to cover the single eyeshadow.
The design also allows for quick identification of color:

These are opened packages where you can see the special beauty of form and color.
[Click images to enlarge].

I wanted to leave intact eye shadows for photos, but this morning I could not resist and for the trick I used purple, which goes very well plus the sweater that I wear .

-Swatch Kiko's Water Eyeshadow No. 9, Sparkling Violet:

- Swatch Kiko Water Eyeshadow n° 11, Grey Wood:

Chiedo scusa per la pessima luce ma qui piove e non volevo aspettare ulteriormente per questo post.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Significant Cervical Mucus And Period Late

few words ....

Io sono una mamma, ho tre figli che amo con tutto il mio cuore, sono tutto per me. Noi mamme sappiamo quale tesoro sono per noi i nostri figli.
Poche parole, ho poche parole ora nella mia mente, cosa dire....
Quante domande e poche risposte, tanto dolore, tanto ....
Goodbye little one, this pink and this letter is for you ... Goodbye little Yara ...

Babies Butterflies Sayings

The Question of the Week

Quindicesimo appuntamento con la Domanda della Settimana. Mi pare incredibile che siano passati quasi 4 mesi dall'inizio di questa rubrica, e invece eccoci qua, a raccontarci ancora qualcosa riguardo questo bellissimo mondo che interessa ognuna di noi.

Stavolta vorrei parlare di blush. Personalmente lo uso da quasi un anno, non di più. Prima ancora lo trovavo un complemento inutile, un vezzo del quale potevo fare anche a meno. Poi mi sono appassionata, ho finalmente capito che sulla mia pelle spesso spenta un pò di colore sugli zigomi aiuta.
Mi piacerebbe ora sapere che rapporto avete voi con questo cosmetico. Quanti ne possedete, se usate un solo colore per ogni trucco, oppure se lo cambiate a seconda di quel che mettete sugli occhi. Quali texture preferite: in polvere, in crema, in mousse...ora ce ne sono davvero di tutti i tipi.

Il blush: un cosmetico fondamentale o
totalmente superfluo?
Lo usate sempre nei vostri trucchi?
Quali sono i colori e le texture
che più rispondono alle vostre esigenze?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yes to Cucumbers - Color Care Shampoo

It's true, gorgeous color treated hair needs a little extra coaxing. So, Yes To Cucumbers Daily Makeover Shampoo is there for you, cleansing, That extra hydrating and adding brilliant shine to your new shade ... and Most importantly Protecting That hard-earned color! How? With Centaurea Extract, a Powerful Ingredient That Protects color-treated hair. Why? Because you're color is cool - as cool as a cucumber!

• 99.6% Natural
• Petroleum, SLS and Paraben Free

Review Use: Start
this review stating that this is shampoo for treated hair, but mine are natural . I do not use dyes, not mistreat them. Despite this, due to a crash diet dating back a few years ago, my hair has been for a long period of time very frail, thin, brittle, almost lifeless. I've also lost many, and only thanks to medication and pampering that I dedicate, I can say I have recovered quite well. The least I can do is to choose gentle shampoo that will not spoil it further. For this reason, my choice is always up for hair products fragile, delicate, thin, or, as in this case, treated. My hair does not need formula revives-color (and is not the case di questo shampoo, comunque) ma di qualcosa che risulti il meno invasivo possibile dalla cute alle lunghezze.

La linea Yes To Cucumbers è dedicata alle pelli sensibili. In questo scenario, rientra anche il Color Care Shampoo che ho acquistato io. Il flacone contiene 500 ml di prodotto, un liquido di media densità di colore verde. La prima cosa che ho pensato, annusandolo, è che il suo odore è identico a quello del profumo "Amarige" di Givenchy . Una profumazione intensa e molto gradevole, che però scompare quasi del tutto dopo aver fatto l'ultimo risciacquo. Il packaging consiste in un flacone dalla forma cilindrica dotato di due tappi. Quello interno si avvale di una simple lever to push to release the product. The outer shell is functionally unnecessary but gives greater strength to the packaging.

Without going into further say immediately that I adore this shampoo . The dilute as usual with my spargishampoo, and since it produces plenty of foam use more water than usual to ensure that it is possible on the most delicate skin. Spargishampoo insert in 80 ml of water and less than 10 ml of Yes to Cucumbers Color Care Shampoo. I make one pass, as always, vigorously massaging the skin to help blood circulation.

The end result is hair soft, untangled, light touch . And, a feature that has impressed me, on me also has a volumizing effect.

I want to say a few words on the list incidence. For the first places there are two surface-to yellow ball that explain the foaming. A heavy dose of perfume. Many herbal substances probably useless. Who needs such as broccoli or spinach leaves in a shampoo? probably only make the scene. In any case, the formula is clean, free of silicones, parabens and petroleum. There are vegetable oils, aloe vera and cucumber extract the course, which gives its name to the line. It contains vitamin C and A and should help strengthen the hair.

Ultimately, it will buy for sure. I like that in a large format, so I could last even longer. Moreover, at a cost not excessive. The only drawback is that it's available only at Sephora, so it can not be readily available for those who have one of those perfume shops in the area.

WHERE SI ACQUISTA:  nelle profumerie Sephora
PAO:  12 mesi
QUANTITA':  500 ml
PREZZO:  9,90 €.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Camillus Knife How To Identify Ww2

Mac - Fluidline "Macroviolet" The Question of the Week

Ultra-smooth, Fluidline's gel formula provides the precision of a liquid liner with a silkier, softer finish. Goes on "foolproof" with a brush in an easy dip-and-stroke action. Long wearing. Smoodge-proof. Lines up in a rich array of colours and finishes. Brush sold separately.

Recensione d'uso:
Dedico questo post a  Daniela Gì  e  Dony  che erano incuriosite da questo prodotto e ne volevano leggere una recensione.

Pur essendo un'indiscussa amante del make up a cui piace sperimentare un pò di tutto, c'è un prodotto che fino ad un mese e mezzo fa avevo deliberatamente lasciato da parte. Il Fluidline Macroviolet di Mac costituisce my baptism with the eyeliner gel, the first one I bought. Those colorful pots had always fascinated me but the fear of not being able to draw precise lines, as is the case with liquid eyeliner with a felt tip that I usually use, I had always been put off the purchase.
Fortunately, in the end my curiosity prevailed cosmetics and decided to give it a chance.

eyeliner is a creamy, soft texture and smooth the , sold in a jar of glass screw-top black. The instruments for the implementation of the product are not included. I use an angled brush very small, so that they can also draw lines super-thin.

The Fluidline Macroviolet not have a very intense color from the first cut: no need to repeat the line a few times before they get full. My fears of not being able to double check the product on the eyelid were unfounded. I find instead use gel eyeliner is easier and faster than a common eyeliner stick : you have more control over the brush and this allows a more precise. I can perfectly modular product, process it as you see fit, without smear or go wrong with the line. Apart from the manual of each, I think it is less complicated to get to a perfect execution, or at least acceptable.

Fluidline Macroviolet The Mac does not dry instantly, but gives you time to correct errors , if there are any. Spent about a minute, is fixed and is removed with difficulty, unless you use a makeup remover product. As the hours go tarnish slightly, but does not lose intensity.

is I really like the product itself and definitely will buy other colors. The Macroviolet but not recover, because I would have preferred brighter. The "thank you" for introducing me to a new world che avevo fatto male a snobbare fino al suo acquisto, ma per questo colore specifico non c'è stato quell'amore che avrei pensato di avere. Poco male, lo uso spesso e volentieri comunque. Comprerò sicuramente anche il nero, non appena avrò terminato gli eyeliner classici che possiedo. 

-Foto del pennellino che uso per applicare il prodotto:

-Swatch Mac Fluidline Macroviolet:

Altra caratteristica interesting feature of this product is that the creamy texture makes it ideal for use as a base for eye shadow . In these circumstances I usually use this method: first apply my usual base Too Faced Shadow Insurance , then a neutral eye shadow or a bit of powder, so as to dull the area. Now is the time dell'eyeliner gel. I use short, it blends well and then put on powder eyeshadow. As a basis for colored eye shadows prefer other products, but in some cases I have used this too, and there were no particular problems.

If any reader is still undecided about buying a gel eyeliner, I feel to encourage it to do a test. Often, once bitten, you do not want to go back to traditional ones. The difference is positively abysmal.

WHERE TO BUY: in the Mac Store, including telephone orders, or in the stands at laRinascente Coin that expose the brand
PAO: not specified, as in every other Mac packages Here I should open a separate discussion because I do not understand why.
PREZZO: 16,50 €.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Wild Thornberrys Game Wildlife Rescue

Nuovo appuntamento con la Domanda della Settimana. 
Ringrazio le ragazze che hanno risposto al quesito della settimana scorsa , nel quale chiedevo se il make up può essere considerato una forma di dipendenza. Ne sono venute fuori delle riflessioni interessanti. Chi volesse, può ancora rispondere, il "sondaggio" è sempre aperto.

Ma passiamo alla domanda di questa settimana.
There are products that we like your look. Maybe we've seen in the pages of a glossy magazine or a video on youtube but the high price or because of their unavailability in Italy, we are forced to forget them. Maybe we do other acquisitions, we learn to appreciate other property more accessible. But the worm is still there.

There is a cosmetic product for
which you would follies?
a product that you loved once,
but do not have and maybe you will never have.
A small object of desire
which often think that
tickles your fancy?
If so, tell us which.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wedding Dresses Knee Length

Initiative is very important!


Party today the first initiative of 2011 ..... We will work to EMERCENCY to help in the financing of two of its hospitals are very important:
--- Hospedale Maternity Anabah .. in Afghanistan where they assisted the Afghan women during the months of pregnancy and at delivery, giving them the opportunity to be treated with the dignity that it is for EVERY WOMAN ...... ____
Hospedale of Goderich, Sierra Leone, where hundreds people each year are assisted in the emergency room, surgical center, children saved in the pediatric center ....

who wish to participate will prepare a block or several blocks in the patchwork technique that you prefer or embroidered stitchery ..... FREE THEMES MEASUREMENT OF BLOCKS: 30 Inches x 30 cm + 1.05 cm for seam allowance ...

_____ Who will take our pack which will bear the model to actual measurements on the right side of the blog ... will be sent along with the quilt to Emergency

The initiative is called "A SMILE TO A CHILD" by always found in the logo on the right side of the blog ... who will help us a diffondere tale iniziativa potrà prelevarlo e porlo sul proprio blog o sito oppure diffonderlo su facebook...
CONOSCIAMO la vostra GRANDE disponibilità ed il vostro CUORE e sappiamo che molte di voi condivideranno con noi questa nuova AVVENTURA....

TERMINE DELLA INIZIATIVA : 30 Giugno 2011..ciò ci consentirà di assemblare e trapuntare i quilt che verranno consegnati ad Emergency entro il mese di DICEMBRE 2011....



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Care
girls I would like to invite you to join this wonderful initiative, I copied literally go to the blog post

Tibi Gratulationen Facio

nails of the Month : Glitter Flowers

These are the nails that my beautician and I have decided to do yesterday afternoon.
consists of a gradient of silver glitter floral patterns using three colors: white, lilac and cyclamen.
He had some trouble with my cuticles, but unfortunately suffering from frostbite in winter I have this abnormal growth of the cuticle, I assume due to a sort of self-protection that my skin trying to produce. Above the oyster who leave and those that are still present, I create areas of the fingers when I have dry skin and thickened. All this, regardless of the products with which I choose to treat.

- Detail of nail art:

- Picture of thumb:

E 'can click on images to enlarge.
For the cuticles I hope I have time and patience to treat them with a little oil during that month. Last year I used it a fabulous Bizarre, but it expired and I have not found it around. Existing provision with vegetable oils that I have at home.

Nail Art by Marta F.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Left Hilum Adenopathy

Eva Garden - Mousse Blusher (No. 22) Order From:
Fard microareata mousse in texture, from light and sophisticated finish. It 'easy sfumabile and long lasting.
How to use: apply with a brush on cheekbones No. 24 EVAGARDEN synthetic sponge or latex.
Why you need it: to look glamorous and "good health". For properties with treating and soothing extract of Melissa officinale.
Why is it different: Fard in multi application and touch, combined with excellent comfort.
Dermatologist tested

Product not tested on animals.

Review of Use:
stand Eva Garden by Paolo Guatelli had intrigued me since the first time I set foot in the beauty center that I attend once a month for a couple of years now. I walked hesitantly while waiting for my turn, but I never asked questions, I had never even asked to see some better product, despite the temptation was always there. Then I happened to try this line and a polish on the nails of my feet was that lasted almost 2 weeks without chipping nor fade.

Speaking with my natural beauty I could look at her face and thinking he had a beautiful blush, always bright, always perfect, always intact. And most importantly, without the need for retouching. Only recently I learned that this was not an ordinary texture blush powder, but it was a mousse. From there, the desire to see it, try it ... and buy it. Despite the high price for a product unknown to me and despite my make-up routine is different from his. Do you use a foundation with which Eva Garden is fine, the Fix & Stay . I use a mineral foundation that sometimes love and sometimes hate.

After endless, but this premise, here's my review. The Mousse Blusher Eva Garden by Paolo Guatelli is sold in 4 shades, 3 with matte finish and finish with a pearl. I chose the shade No. 22 by matte finish. This is a true mousse from light texture and spreads easily, not oily. It has a pinkish color that turns to brown. It is sold in a glass jar with silver screw cap, inside a box the same color, which we find all the necessary information about the product.

The first flaw I noticed right away is the lack of a spatula to pick it comfortably .
I think is fair to add, for products of this type, a spatula so as to permit the extraction without dirtying your hands and without contaminating the foam with your fingers. My beautician advised me to take a small amount with the nail, place it on your hand, knead a little bit to warm it, then apply it directly on the cheek and adjusted for pleasure.
Just applied the color seems a bit strong, but just a little shadow them to achieve a very natural color , not too far from the tone that we take when we blush slightly.

The incidence, as for most of the products of this kind, has silicones, which are probably responsible for this so soft texture and detail.
Regarding the duration and the appearance of the product on the face need to make a distinction. If you use a liquid foundation, silicone, in short, a base that fits tightly to the skin, the mousse blusher Garden of Eve makes the most of herself resists intact for the whole day, without the slightest move, becoming one with our cheeks. If, however, uses, like me, a mineral foundation powder or however, the results are disappointing to say the least. Highlights the shortcomings in those areas and is stratified by settling more in some places than others, thus forming the anti-aesthetic spots, which look like real skin discoloration. Clearly, I had to give for all those times when I use the mineral foundation (every day, practically), bound to blush sporadic use, for those rare occasions when I decide to use a silicone-based fluid foundation.

I am sorry not to be compatible with this mousse blusher. I had bought hoping to find the perfectly made-up cheeks of my beauty, but unfortunately I can not get the same result, and its still prefer the powder blush, but with whom I have an idyllic relationship.
do not throw it because it is however, a good professional product, but I regret not being able to use what I want. There is also good that is produced in Italy and is not tested on animals. Two points in favor, but there is no doubt that I will be disappointed. I would like to use it, it is not absolutely indicated.
Moreover the price is too high, not an economic blush.

Mousse Blusher-Swatch of Eva Garden by Paolo Guatelli No. 22, not gradient:

WEBSITE: www .
WHERE TO BUY : in beauty shops that display the mark. viewed HERE, by clicking on the region.
24 months PRICE: € 18 .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hello I Am... Funny Sayings

Report 1, Madina

is coming Valentine's Day, and although not one of those occasions where my boyfriend and I mind you lot, a little present him to always happy to concede. This year, my choice fell on an order Madina. For some time I wanted provare alcuni loro prodotti, quale occasione migliore di questa?
Purtroppo l'ordine è partito uno o due giorni prima che si sapesse della loro iniziativa di spese gratuite, per cui non abbiamo potuto usufruirne.

Abbiamo fatto l'ordine giovedì 3 febbraio, di sera. Il giorno dopo è stato spedito tramite Poste Italiane, e giovedì 10 febbraio è arrivato a destinazione, tramite postino. Lo staff di Madina nella sua mail mi aveva lasciato un codice di tracciabilità della busta, per cui ho potuto monitorarla ogni giorno e sapere con precisione quando sarebbe arrivata.

Ma veniamo al pacco e ai suoi prodotti. Il tutto è stato impacchettato all'interno a padded yellow envelope. Packaging was not accurate, I think that with some more I could find myself shaking with at least one product of this is broken but everything went well.

What have I got?
  • Prism Shine Eye Shadow n ° 5, Android;
  • Prism Shine Eye Shadow No. 11, Heritage;
  • Instant Glow Pigment red;
  • eyeliner Daily Basic No. 15, flesh-colored;
  • Holiday Smack Kit (this, to give to a friend).
In the envelope beyond my order I found a lipstick in honor, kindness, which I liked very much. Here are the photos of


-Ombretti Prisma Shine ed il rossetto in omaggio:

- Matita Daily Basic e pigmento Istant Glow:

-Il grazioso Holiday Smack Kit che ho preso per la mia amica:

Ma veniamo a qualche difettuccio che ho potuto riscontrare subito.

Il pigmento aveva la linguetta leggermente raised and this has led to the release of some product:

The box containing the lipgloss for my friend is really delicious, but unfortunately the back is dented in its upper left corner. I hope that you enjoyed my thoughts anyway, but I was sorry to give it that.

also present in the liquid lipgloss 2 seems a little separated by color. I thought they were already close to maturity, but I was told that was a problem of temperature changes, therefore, no problem for the lips of my friend.

Apart from anything else, I was really pleased to make this order Madina from here and I also thank my boyfriend for having "sponsored" for Valentine's Day. I wanted to try their products and now I have the opportunity to do so. I was pleased that they have posted a free lipstick because I think it is a very simple way to retain their customers.

Saturday afternoon I sent them an email pointing out the small matter and I was answered promptly, explained what could be my concerns and asking to return the damaged products. I replied that there is not any need. My intention was to report the incident, nothing more. I have already handed over the lipgloss to my friend (who seemed to me very happy, regardless dall'ammaccatura on the box) and I started immediately to test the products.
do not know if I'll have a chance to make new orders in the future, but certainly will insert the reviews on this blog that I purchased, I will as soon as I made clear idea. For now I can say that the product that pleases me most is what is also cheaper: the flesh-colored eye pencil.

Plywood Van Racking Template

Buonasera ragazze, vi lascio lo schema per realizzare una tenera rosellina per abbellire un fermacapelli.

Tenera vero?
Ed è anche molto facile...
Vi abbraccio forte e vi mando un bacione.
Buon San Valentino!